07 March 2010

Clara or Zoe?

Clara and Zoe the sheep are two very opposites when it comes to personality.  As I have said before, Zoe just simply doesn't know that she is a sheep.  Clara, on the other hand, is quite content to be a sheep and follow all of the other sheep around.  She is very sweet and demure and at peace with her 'sheepiness'.  Two weeks ago, our farm manager brought Clara into the barn so he could work on her feet during the week.  This meant housing her with our three goats, no one seemed very happy about this arrangement-but Clara, being a good sheep didn't complain too much.  We have three goats at the farm:  Queen, aptly named and a bit of a bossy one; Heather, sweet girl; and Gracie, Queen's kid from 2009.  I went into the barn on the second day and Gracie had fleece in her horns where she had been repeatedly ramming my Clara.  Clara would just simply walk away and didn't mind if Gracie was above her in the chain of command.  Their order was established and life went on-three goats and a sheep.

I came into work on Monday and noticed all of the goats were inside the barn and the sheep was in the connected outside paddock.  I went outside to visit Clara only to find Zoe had been moved into her place.  I wish I had been there when Zoe was moved in and the goats thought they were going to bully her around like Clara!  Zoe has been living under the hay rack and basically telling the goats when she might share.  Oh, those are my girls!