15 September 2012

Girls' Day Out!

This weekend is the one year anniversary of our newly expanded family!  After a long, soul-searching week it was great to get away for a day.  I am so proud of the girls.  Today consisted of an early morning, a very long car ride, a walk-a-thon with lots of people, a newspaper photographer that had to be told in front of the girls that he couldn't take their picture because they were foster kids, a two mile walk; followed by another long car ride home!  Talk about triggers, today was full of them.  C had one minor melt down, right before the walk that was most definitely and 'age appropriate' moment.  B did awesome; right up until the last five minutes of the car ride when she realized that today had gone well!  She has a built-in self destruct button that at a certain level of happiness kick in and she totally unravels. 

All in all, a great day.  We have come a long way!  My prayer for the beginning of our second year together is that we have more days that are normal, regular days.  That the girls might now the gift of those days without worry, fear, unhappiness, pain, sadness, hurt, confusion.  With the turmoil of this week and what it may or may not bring I remind myself that it is not my plan, but His. 

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